Health communication

Good communication makes a difference! After years of training health personnel and community volunteers in health communication, we know that it can improve both job satisfaction and patient satisfaction, and ultimately it contributes to better adherence and treatment outcomes.

The health communication training includes topics such as basic communication skills, the “5 minutes communication model” and tips on how to deal with own emotions in difficult situations to avoid stress and burn out.

Since 2015 more than 25 000 people in Malawi, Tanzania, Zambia, Sudan and Romania have been trained in health communication. The feedback is that they have become much more aware of their own communication and the effect it has on others, and that they have improved their skills such as active listening, asking good open questions, having an ability to establish trust and ensuring a common understanding. They experience less stress and are more capable of solving problems and provide constructive feedback.

Health communication is now also available as E-learning here. The online course is for free and available in English, Chichewa, Swahili, Arabic, Russian and Latvian. It also has an additional module on inclusion of people with disabilities.

We also do trainings in health communication for Norwegian health workers. If you are interested in learning more, click here.

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